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Age of the Earth - 3 by Bruce Malone |
Evolution assumes that man dropped out of the trees 1 to 5 million years ago and became fully human approximately 100,000 years ago. Yet archeological records show civilization arising only about 5000 years ago. In other words, by evolutionary reasoning, it took mankind 95,000 years (after becoming fully human) to figure out that food could be produced by dropping a seed into the ground! It has been estimated by evolutionary anthropologists that the earth would easily support 10 million hunter/gatherer type humans.1 To maintain an average of 10 million people, spread over the entire planet, with an average life span of 25 years, for the last 100,000 years...would mean that 40 billion people had lived and died. Archeological evidence clearly showed that these type of "stone age" people buried their dead. Forty billion graves should be rather easy to find. Yet only a few thousand exist. The obvious implication is that people have been around for far less time.
Another indication of both a young earth and a confirmation of the worldwide flood is the scarcity of meteors in sedimentary rock layers. Although some meteors have been found in sedimentary layers, they are exceedingly rare. Yet meteors are easily identifiable and many thousands have been identified and recovered from recent impacts on the planet's surface. If the majority of the rock layers were laid down rapidly during the one year period of a worldwide flood, you would not expect to find many meteorites buried in only one year. However, if the sediment was laid down over billions of years, there should be billions of meteorites buried with this sediment. The fact that we find so few is strong evidence for both a rapid accumulation of the sedimentary layers and a young earth. Suppose you walked into an empty room and found a smoking cigar. You could assume that the cigar was very old and that it had only recently burst into flames, but the more logical conclusion would be that someone had recently been there to light it. The universe is full of similar "smoking cigars":
Scientists working from the preconception that the universe is 10 - 20 billion years old have suggested controversial and complicated possibilities for how these type of transient phenomena could still exist but their explanations are based more on faith than science. The simpler explanation is that these "smoking cigars" are still smoking because they are young.
What about dating methods which do seen to indicate that things are very old? As seen in the first article on dating methods, assumptions are everything. For instance, carbon-14 dating assumes that there has never been a major shift in the total biomatter on our planet and that the C-14 generation rate has never significantly changed. This method does not date the age of the earth but understanding it can have a profound effect on our interpretation of the "ice age" and the "stone age". A recent worldwide catastrophe would have caused an enormous change in the total amount of carbon in earth’s biosphere. This event would completely invalidate one of the basic assumptions of the carbon-14 dating method (a known C14/C12 ratio throughout the measurement period) and lead to excessively old dates for organisms alive shortly after this flood. This will be explored in more detail in future articles.
1. Deevy, E.S., "The Human Population", Scientific America, 203, (Sept. 1960) 194-204.