
Current Interesting Family Friendly Events,
including Biblical Creation Science & History.

This document was last modified 7:48:45 PM, 12/3/2024
Regular ARK Meetings are indicated with a "*". These meetings are held at Faith Christian Fellowship at 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. The ARK program is from 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Programs below are subject to change and you should call to confirm information. This is kept up to date, so it may change after you have viewed it. Note several links to other web pages are at the bottom of this page.
Our monthly meetings can also be joined via Zoom for the time being. Email: ARKY for a zoom invite.
*Dec 9, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. DVD: The Spreading Flame: Story of the Bible with Speakers at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Trace the story of the English Bible. From the first efforts of John Wycliffe to the ultimate success of William Tyndale whose New Testament transformed England and whose diligent work in the face of opposition, persecution and ultimate martyrdom laid the foundation for the Bible we have today. (Part 2 of 5 part series)

* Jan 13, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Amazing Animals of Alaska Vol. 1 with Jobe Martin at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Come join Dr. Jobe Martin, David Rives and friends as they reveal the wonders of God's Amazing Alaskan treasures. How does the polar bear's skin and hair act like a solar panel to keep it warm? Does Earth's magnetic field help the red fox find food? Learn why the moose can eat underwater, how wolf packs work together, how otters use kelp to keep their babies safe, and much more.

* Feb 10, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Amazing Animals of Alaska Vol. 2 with Jobe Martin at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Part 2 of this series looks at: How does the grizzly survive the winter? Learn how the Arctic ground squirrel's heart is capable of beating only once per minute. Discover how the Musk Oxen butt heads at 30 mph without cracking their skulls! The incredible seabird known as the Arctic Tern travels up to 56,000 miles each year. And more!

* Mar 10, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. A Jurassic Ark Mystery & I Dig Dinosaurs with Buddy Davis at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. As a tribute to Buddy Davis, we will view two of his children's DVDs. In "Jurassic Ark", Buddy and the Creation Adventure Team explore a dinosaur museum and discover incredible answers to the amazing mystery of the giant lizards! Then join Buddy on an exciting dinosaur dig in the Badlands of Montana! This real-life dinosaur researcher inspires kids with his solid creation teaching and infectious passion for the gospel.

March 20, 22, With Excellence conference for parents with Hen Ham and others at Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, OH. We will explore how to prepare ourselves well to parent biblically, disciple well, educate thoroughly, and to give our children a foundation for a faith that's their own and how to do that With an Excellence that points to an excellent, good God. For more information goto https://teachthemdiligently.net/conventions/dayton-2025

* Apr 14, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Live: Evidence for the Resurrection & Christ in the Passover with Mark Jurkovich at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Why do we believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Is there evidence that this miraculous event really happened? Come hear Mark present some of the evidence which shows that no other explanation for what happened that first Easter morning stands to scrutiny. Christ Arose! We will also view a DVD which shows how the Passover strongly points to the Christ.

* May 12, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Annual Members meeting and election of officers with Mark Jurkovich at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Come help us steer the future of the ARK Foundation. Time permitting, we will view another children's video by Buddy Davis on the Ice Age.

* Jun 9, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. Annual ARK Banquet with Dr. Jerry Bergman at to be announced, Dayton, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Topic: Persuaded by the Evidence. Dr. Bergman will present case histories of well-educated as well as well-known scientists who rejected evolution and converted to creation, including the reasons why they rejected Darwinism.

Check out further events offered by other Creation groups at their web sites

Answers in Genesis Outreach Conferences are at http://www.answersingenesis.org/outreach/conferences/

The Creation Museum, http://creationmuseum.org/ has daily events.
The ARK Encounter, https://ArkEncounter.com/ has daily events so you may experience how Noah could have done it.
Meetings in Marysville. “In The Beginning” Meeting Schedule at Living Hope Church, 16701 Square Drive; Marysville, OH. 4th Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 PM. Contact Steve McConaughy, mcfamily2141@hotmail.com, 419-450-2483 for more information.
Worldview Weekend Rallies are complete for now. See https://www.worldviewweekend.com/ for more information.
(CRSEF) is in the Cincinnati Ohio area at http://www.worldbydesign.org/events/events.asp. CRSEF presentations are given at a public library or a local church on the Third Thursday of each month. Note this is a change from last year! Locations may vary, but will be listed with the events. All their presentations are planned to run from 7:00-7:45 PM followed by a 15 minute, or longer, Q&A time. Some presentations have technical content, but they try to supply descriptive information to appeal to ages 12 and above!
Supported by: The ARK Foundation of Dayton, Inc. a non profit organization since June 1995, We support true science and Biblical religion. Email:
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