Current Interesting Family Friendly Events, including Biblical Creation Science & History. This document was last modified 4:40:24 PM, 8/2/2024 |
* Sept 9, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. The New Answers DVD 2b,3 with Speakers at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. We will cover rest of the 36 of the top questions from the New Answers Book. These extremely popular DVDs are perfect for young adults and anyone who wants truly succinct yet meaty answers to the questions our culture is asking.
Sept 9, Sept 10, Living in Babylon with Ken Ham & Martyn Iies at Cedarville University, Dixon Ministry Center, Jeremiah Chapel, Cedarville, OH. Ph: (937) 766-7700. The Truth of It, for Today's World. Because God's Word is a word for every generation and every culture, it inspires ultimate clarity, hope, and action. The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the light that brings every generation and every culture out of darkness. Experience this for yourself, as Martyn Iles and Ken Ham bring the timeless power of Scripture to life for a changing world. Register now for this free event.
Sept 13, Sept 15, Creation Evidence Expo with Bruce Malone, Jerry Bergman & more at Hope Baptist Church, 1055 N. Girl's School Rd, Indianapolis, IN. Ph: (317) 345-9072. This year marks the 21st Creation Evidence Expo which consists of three days of presentations, free to the public, from world-class scientists, theologians, and speakers who present scientific evidence supporting the conclusion that the God of the Holy Bible created all things. Evolution is not science. Charles Darwin was wrong.
Sept 20, Beyond Bones: The Truth About Dinosaurs with Ken Ham and others at Creation Museum , Petersburg, KY. We invite you to come learn how starting with a biblical worldview beginning in Genesis equips us to explain and understand dinosaurs. You'll also learn how the scientific evidence confirms God's Word about these amazing creatures.
Oct 5, 21st Annual Chocolate Festival with Faith&Friends Radio at Event Center, at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 645 Infirmary Rd, Dayton, OH. Ph: (937) 233-2484. Going On A Chocolate Hunt! (A Safari Theme). More Info: Contact us at 937.233.2484 or email melody@faithandfriendsradio.com for more information.
*Oct 14, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. LIVE talk "Lies in the Textbooks" with Mark Jurkovich at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. You expect public school text books to push evolution. You would hope they would remove outdated arguments, but they don't. This talk points out many of the 'icons' of evolution taught in our school textbooks that have been proven false, but still show up in our texts.
*Nov 11, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. DVD: Spectacular Coral Reefs with Dr Robert Carter at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. The existence of large coral reefs in the rock record and beneath many tropical seas has long been used as a case against a biblical Creation. But coral reefs are not as strong a challenge to the young-earth paradigm as evolutionists want us to believe. A careful analysis of these incredible underwater gardens supports biblical history. (rescheduled from January)
*Dec 9, 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm. DVD: The Spreading Flame: Story of the Bible with Speakers at Faith Christian Fellowship, 1778 Grange Hall Rd. [~1/4 mile north of Dayton-Xenia], Beavercreek, OH. Ph: (937) 256-ARKY. Trace the story of the English Bible. From the first efforts of John Wycliffe to the ultimate success of William Tyndale whose New Testament transformed England and whose diligent work in the face of opposition, persecution and ultimate martyrdom laid the foundation for the Bible we have today. (Part 2 of 5 part series)
Check out further events offered by other Creation groups at their web sites
Answers in Genesis Outreach Conferences are at
The Creation Museum, http://creationmuseum.org/ has daily events.