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4/26/2011 11:29:43 AM
^ Resources Listed Are Available IOTC Org Web Site . (Volume or class pricing available).
* Resources Listed Are Available From ARKY's Bookstore.
^ IOTC boxed host kit, $150.00 + shipping: one per class, reusable, containing:
John Eidsmoe's DVD series, Institute on the Constitution, a study on Christianity & the law of the land (3 DVDs);
David Barton's DVD series, Keys to Good Government;
David Barton's DVD series, The Foundation of American Government;
Instructor manual, with an outline and answers to multiple choice question and true/false questions;
One Student manual (which can be copied)
IOTC American Citizens Pocket Companion, a legal heritage. Includes brief 10 Commandments, God and Government (Romans 13:1-17), Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Constitution of USA.
two advertising posters
^ IOTC Student Workbook with all basic readings, notes, copies of all founding document, review questions and fill in the blank answers. $35.00 suggested class student price
1-9, $30 + shipping
10-19, less 10% + shipping
20-29, less 20% + shipping
30-39, less 30% + shipping
40-49, less 40% + shipping
>49 , less 50% + shipping
* IOTC Student Workbook with all basic readings, notes, copies of all founding document, review questions and fill in the blank answers. $35.00
3-19, $24 + shipping if required
>19, ask for pricing, generally can use consolidation and give 10% more than IOTC
General Recommended Resources Discussed in the Dayton Courses
* Book: Watchmen On the Wall, Pastors equipping Christians for their civil duties, $9.00
* Book: The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope - Sheriff Richard Mack, $8.00 (volume price down to $5)
Excellent Additional Resources
Book: The 5000 Year Leap, Principles of Freedom 101 - The 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World (W Cleon Skousen)
* Book: Citizen Sheep, Government Shepherds by Mike Sodrel, $17.00, $13.60 with your order of 2 or more.
* DVD & CD set: Politics: Easy as PIE (Bob McEwen), $26.00
* Book: Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution - The Alinsky Model, by David Horowitz. ($3.00 each, $1.00 for >=25) 9/14/2011 10:27:49 PM
* Webster's 1828 Dictionary, $69.95, $60.00 at ARKYs
* Citizen Rule Book, $1.00, Pocket size, a handbook for jurors, explains the Declaration of Independence, the rights of students, and the U.S. Constitution
Resources available free from your Congressional Representatives as long as in print
The Constitution of the United States of America (H. Doc 110-50, ISBN 978-0-16-079091-1)
Supported by: The ARK Foundation of Dayton,
Inc. a non profit organization since June 1995, We support true science and Biblical
religion. email: ARKY Editor This
site is scanned for viruses daily.